Category Archives for "Jobs"

Jun 12

Stop Jobs That Run Too Long

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Jobs , SQL Administration , SQL Server

Since I seem to run across lots of questions about how to make sure that no jobs get in the way of ETL or other stressful data loads, I thought that I should post some ways you can stop jobs. I have always done this by having a monitoring job that executes on a […]

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Oct 12

Using Extended Events to Find Statement Causing a Job to Run Long or Hang

By Lori Brown | Extended Events , Helpful Scripts , Jobs , Performance Tuning , SQL Administration , SQL Server

On one of the servers that we monitor, it was reported that periodically a specific job would seem to hang and take forever to complete.  I was asked to set up something to help find exactly what statement in the job that was the root cause of the hang.  Since the issue only occurred intermittently, […]

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