Category Archives for "Advice"

Feb 16

Shrinking Database Files – Let’s Not And Say We Did

By Lori Brown | Advice , Beginner , SQL Administration , SQL Server

— by Lori Brown  @SQLSupahStah I recently ran into someone who swears that shrinking database files on a production server is a good thing and proudly said they did it on all systems they work on.  OMG!!  Let me post a quote directly from MSDN regarding weather or not shrinking database files causes fragmentation ( […]

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Jun 01

SQL Server 2016 RTM Available!!

By SQLRx Admin | Advice , Installation , Miscellaneous , SQL Server , Upgrade

In case you live under a rock or were at the dentist, Microsoft announced that SQL Server 2016 has been made generally available today June 1, 2016. See: Pricing is as follows: A handy feature comparison of previous versions of SQL can be located here: SQL 2016 feature comparison between editions can be […]

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Mar 09

March 2016 Tip of the Month -Full Text Indexing – Clean up those log files!

By SQLRx Admin | Advice , Beginner , Miscellaneous , SQL Administration , SQL Server , Tip of the Month

If you have Full Text catalogs set up in your databases you may notice that inside your log folder there will be lots of files named SQLFTxxxxxxxxxxxx.LOG. These are known as crawl logs which are designed to log information on the full text indexing. These logs can really pile up and there is no automated […]

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Oct 15

Using Common Table Expressions to Improve Query Performance

By Jeffry Schwartz | Advice , Intermediate , Performance Tuning , SQL Development , SQL Server

-by Jeffry Schwartz Queries with multiple join clauses create particularly difficult issues when they perform poorly. Join ordering is extremely important because if a join creates a huge interim result set at the beginning of the query execution, SQL Server must continue to handle this result set until it can be trimmed down with filtering […]

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