Category Archives for "Upgrade"

Dec 09

Consistency Check an Analysis Services Database

By Lori Brown | Analysis Services , SQL Administration , SQL Server , Upgrade

— By Lori Brown @SQLSupahStah I am migrating a client to SQL 2016 and had to restore the SSAS databases and do what amounts to a DBCC CHECKDB against it. The command is done while connected to SSAS in Management Studio. You open an XMLA query (not MDX)… …and run the following: <DBCC xmlns=”“> <Object> […]

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Jun 01

SQL Server 2016 RTM Available!!

By SQLRx Admin | Advice , Installation , Miscellaneous , SQL Server , Upgrade

In case you live under a rock or were at the dentist, Microsoft announced that SQL Server 2016 has been made generally available today June 1, 2016. See: Pricing is as follows: A handy feature comparison of previous versions of SQL can be located here: SQL 2016 feature comparison between editions can be […]

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