Category Archives for "SQL Administration"

Jun 12

Stop Jobs That Run Too Long

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Jobs , SQL Administration , SQL Server

Since I seem to run across lots of questions about how to make sure that no jobs get in the way of ETL or other stressful data loads, I thought that I should post some ways you can stop jobs. I have always done this by having a monitoring job that executes on a […]

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Oct 12

Using Extended Events to Find Statement Causing a Job to Run Long or Hang

By Lori Brown | Extended Events , Helpful Scripts , Jobs , Performance Tuning , SQL Administration , SQL Server

On one of the servers that we monitor, it was reported that periodically a specific job would seem to hang and take forever to complete.  I was asked to set up something to help find exactly what statement in the job that was the root cause of the hang.  Since the issue only occurred intermittently, […]

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Oct 28

Steps for Installing AlwaysOn Availability Groups – SQL 2019

By Ginger Daniel | Always On , Installation , SQL Administration , SQL Server

With SQL Server 2012 Microsoft introduced the AlwaysOn Availability Group feature, and since then many changes and improvements have been made.  This article is an update to our previous article , and will cover the prerequisites and steps for installing AlwaysOn in your SQL Server 2019 environment. Prerequisites Add Windows Failover Cluster (WSFC) Install […]

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Oct 14

Find All Databases with Less Than 20 Percent Free Space and Grow Them

By Lori Brown | Function , Helpful Scripts , SQL Administration , SQL Maintenance , SQL Server

This is kind of a continuation of one of my previous posts.  ( ) Thousands of databases in a SQL instance can make a DBA’s life a bit challenging.  Automation suddenly becomes very important.  My new client had been shrinking their databases frequently, mistakenly thinking that doing so was a good thing.  I needed to […]

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Oct 24

Move Data from SQL Server to Azure Blob Storage with Incremental Changes – Part 1

By Ginger Daniel | Azure , Cloud , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

One of many options for Reporting and Power BI is to use Azure Blob Storage to access source data.  Most of the documentation available online demonstrates moving data from SQL Server to an Azure Database, however my client needed data to land in Azure Blob Storage as a csv file, and needed incremental changes to […]

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Aug 29

Backup and Restore Databases with CHECKSUM and VERIFYONLY

By Lori Brown | Backup and Restore , SQL Administration , SQL Maintenance , SQL Server

I found out that I have been missing something from our regular database backups that I had no idea that I should have been using all along.  I know about verifying your backup file and have incorporated into our standard maintenance routines one that will periodically test backups by restoring using VERIFYONLY.  However, I totally […]

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