March 2016 Tip of the Month -Full Text Indexing – Clean up those log files!

By SQLRx Admin | Advice

Mar 09

If you have Full Text catalogs set up in your databases you may notice that inside your log folder there will be lots of files named SQLFTxxxxxxxxxxxx.LOG. These are known as crawl logs which are designed to log information on the full text indexing. These logs can really pile up and there is no automated process that will trim older files. Unfortunately, this can mean that a DBA may have to manually delete old files but should be very careful that you do not delete any of the other files that SQL uses in the folder such as the ErrorLog, default trace and system health files.


You can move the location of these files by changing the default location of the Error Dump path in your system configuration parameters but have to plan on a short outage while SQL is stopped and restarted. Sometimes these files can become quite large and hard to open. You may need to run EXEC sp_fulltext_recycle_crawl_log @ftcat = ‘FTCatalogName’ to stop SQL from using the file.


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