Tag Archives for " Object Info "

Sep 14

Finding Table Defaults, Primary and Unique Keys and Foreign Keys with sp_helpconstraint

By Lori Brown | Dependencies , Object Information , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

A little while back I wrote a post going over sp_help in a beginning effort to find table dependency information.  https://www.sqlrx.com/using-sp_help-to-find-object-dependencies/.  That expanded to reviewing sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities & sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities  (https://www.sqlrx.com/finding_things_sql_that_reference_a_table/ & https://www.sqlrx.com/how-to-find-the-objects-and-columns-a-stored-procedure-or-view-uses/ ) and sys.sql_expression_dependencies (https://www.sqlrx.com/using-sys-sql_expression_dependencies-as-a-single-source-to-find-referenced-and-referencing-objects/  ) Now I want to loop back just a bit and expand on more information that is found in sp_help […]

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Aug 23

Using sys.sql_expression_dependencies as a Single Source to Find Referenced and Referencing Objects

By Lori Brown | Dependencies , Object Information , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

I thought I would continue to expand on ways to view dependencies.  This post will give you an alternate way to find things referencing tables and finding things that are referenced by a stored procedure or view after my previous posts on the subject.  See these (https://www.sqlrx.com/finding_things_sql_that_reference_a_table/ & https://www.sqlrx.com/how-to-find-the-objects-and-columns-a-stored-procedure-or-view-uses/ ) A different way to find […]

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Jul 19

How To Find the Objects and Columns a Stored Procedure or View Uses

By Lori Brown | Dependencies , Object Information , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

In my last post I covered finding objects that reference another object using the dmf, sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities.  (https://www.sqlrx.com/finding_things_sql_that_reference_a_table/ )  Now let’s reverse that and find what objects are referenced in stored procedures or views.  When updates are needed to business logic often that happens in these objects.  If the stored procedures or views are large with […]

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