Tag Archives for " SQL Jobs "

May 17

SSMS Shortcuts

By Lori Brown | SQL Development , SQL Server

Thought I would post some quick helpful things like shortcuts in SSMS. There is a link to a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for SSMS at the end of this post. There is more than just ctrl-c & crtl-v out there!! Here are my fav’s – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/sql-server-management-studio-keyboard-shortcuts For more information about blog posts, concepts and […]

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Apr 19

Interesting New String Functions

By Lori Brown | SQL Development , SQL Server

Here are a few new string functions that I cam across while doing some research.  Just goes to show you that you learn something new every day! STRING_AGG (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-agg-transact-sql) This function is available starting with SQL 2017. It concatenates values from rows and places your separator in between the values. Here I create a comma […]

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