All Posts by Lori Brown


About the Author

Lori is an avid runner, cross fitter and SQL enthusiast. She has been working for SQLRX for 15 years and has been working with SQL in general for 25 years. Yup...she is an old hand at this stuff.

Sep 28

Get Index Column Info with Includes for One or Many Tables

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Missing Indexes , Performance Tuning , Query Tuning , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

I was recently working with one of my clients on some low hanging fruit type of query tuning. We had checked the cache for plans with missing index warnings in them and were trying to see if we could tweak and existing index or add a new index to speed things up. If you ever […]

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May 19

SQL 2017 Is On The Way!!

By Lori Brown | CTP , SQL 2017 , SQL Server

–By Lori Brown  @SQLSupahStah SQL Server 2017 is rolling our way like a big ole train. And, with the new features that are going to be available there may be quite a few shops that want to jump onboard. As of this writing SQL Server 2017 CTP 2.1 is available for download and testing. ( […]

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May 04

List Partitioned Tables And Other Info About Them

By Lori Brown | Beginner , Helpful Scripts , Partitions , SQL Administration , SQL Server , Tip of the Month

Here is a good way to find out if any of your tables are partitioned in your database using the query below. It is important to know so that you can find out how the tables are partitioned. — Partitioned Tables SELECT DISTINCT AS ParitionedTables FROM sys.partitions p INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON p.object_id […]

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