Tag Archives for " Lori Brown "

Jun 16


By Lori Brown | Beginner , Performance Tuning , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

–By Lori Brown @SQLSupahStah SQL Server 2016 has introduced a couple of new functions that can be very useful and save storage space to boot. COMPRESS and DECOMPRESS offers the benefit of compressing column data thereby saving storage space. COMPRESS uses the GZIP compression algorithm and actually compresses data before it is stored in a […]

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Feb 12

SQL Connections – Finding what fixed port SQL is listening on

By Lori Brown | Intermediate , Miscellaneous , SQL Administration , SQL Server

— by Lori Brown  @SQLSupahStah While trying to add a database to an existing AlwaysOn Availability Group (AG), I was having difficulty making a connection from the primary replica to the secondary replica. The availability group was functioning but as I tried to add a database to it, my connection to the secondary replica was […]

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