Tag Archives for " Microsoft SQL Server "

Jun 12

Stop Jobs That Run Too Long

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Jobs , SQL Administration , SQL Server

Since I seem to run across lots of questions about how to make sure that no jobs get in the way of ETL or other stressful data loads, I thought that I should post some ways you can stop jobs. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-stored-procedures/sp-stop-job-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16 I have always done this by having a monitoring job that executes on a […]

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Apr 11

Replication Slow at Subscriber Due to Missing Indexes

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Indexes , Replication , SQL Server

Problem Have you ever had transactional replication mysteriously start showing significant latency at a subscriber server?  If so, check to see if the primary keys from the publisher database are missing on the subscriber database! Replication was showing long latency while the publisher and subscriber servers were not heavily utilized.  Microsoft generated stored procedures that […]

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Mar 07

Should I Replace My FOR XML PATH String Merges with String_agg?

By Jeffry Schwartz | Function , Performance Tuning , Query Tuning , SQL Development , SQL Server

If you are looking for major performance gains, the answer is no.  However, if you are using SQL Server 2017 and developing new code, you should consider using the new String_agg function that is available on SQL Server 2017 because code that uses this function is so much more readable and easier to write and […]

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