Tag Archives for " Microsoft SQL Server "

May 17

SSMS Shortcuts

By Lori Brown | SQL Development , SQL Server

Thought I would post some quick helpful things like shortcuts in SSMS. There is a link to a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for SSMS at the end of this post. There is more than just ctrl-c & crtl-v out there!! Here are my fav’s – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/sql-server-management-studio-keyboard-shortcuts For more information about blog posts, concepts and […]

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May 10

Index REORGANIZE Generates Out of Space Messages

By Lori Brown | Indexes , SQL Administration , SQL Maintenance , SQL Server

I was doing some performance analysis at a client where we captured a traditional SQL trace.  Our client has SQL 2016 Enterprise that is fully patched up and uses Ola Hallengren’s IndexOptimize (https://ola.hallengren.com/) stored proc to do nightly index maintenance.  While the index maintenance ran, we caught over a hundred thousand Error 1105, Severity 17, […]

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Apr 19

Interesting New String Functions

By Lori Brown | SQL Development , SQL Server

Here are a few new string functions that I cam across while doing some research.  Just goes to show you that you learn something new every day! STRING_AGG (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-agg-transact-sql) This function is available starting with SQL 2017. It concatenates values from rows and places your separator in between the values. Here I create a comma […]

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Feb 08

Notification for Restored Database

By Ginger Daniel | Backup and Restore , Database Mail , SQL Administration , SQL Server

According to best practices for a SQL environment, you should never place your test or development databases on a production server. However sometimes best practices are ignored, sometimes the DBA’s advice is disregarded (ahem…), or sometimes an organization simply does not have the financial resources to spin up separate servers for testing or development. Whatever […]

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