Tag Archives for " SQL 2016 "

Jun 16


By Lori Brown | Beginner , Performance Tuning , SQL Administration , SQL Development , SQL Server

–By Lori Brown @SQLSupahStah SQL Server 2016 has introduced a couple of new functions that can be very useful and save storage space to boot. COMPRESS and DECOMPRESS offers the benefit of compressing column data thereby saving storage space. COMPRESS uses the GZIP compression algorithm and actually compresses data before it is stored in a […]

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Jun 09

SQL 2016 SSMS Download Location

By SQLRx Admin | Installation , SQL Administration , SQL Server

Now that SQL Server 2016 has been released (https://blog.sqlrx.com/2016/06/01/sql-server-2016-rtm-available/ ), DBA’s are going to notice that the Management Studio tools are not in the list of options to install. Starting in SQL 2016, SSMS is a separate download and install. You can find the download at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt238290.aspx The install notes say that it can be […]

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