SQL 2016 SSMS Download Location

By SQLRx Admin | Installation

Jun 09

Now that SQL Server 2016 has been released (https://blog.sqlrx.com/2016/06/01/sql-server-2016-rtm-available/ ), DBA’s are going to notice that the Management Studio tools are not in the list of options to install. Starting in SQL 2016, SSMS is a separate download and install. You can find the download at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt238290.aspx

The install notes say that it can be installed side-by-side with other versions of SSMS. The look is a little bit different but all is essentially the same.


There are new and improved features such as Live Query Statistics and the ability to edit top 200 rows in a table without SSMS crashing like it used to.


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