Category Archives for "Intermediate"

May 19

Correlate Performance Spikes with SQL Profiler and Perfmon

By Ginger Daniel | Intermediate , Perfmon , Performance Tuning , SQL Server , SQLRX

–by Ginger Keys Have you ever watched performance metrics in Performance Monitor (Perfmon) and wondered which SQL Server activities were causing those spikes? SQLRx offers a Microsoft Partner-of-the-Year award-winning service that will correlate all performance metrics on your server with very little overhead, and will pinpoint with precision, right down to a line of code […]

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Feb 12

SQL Connections – Finding what fixed port SQL is listening on

By Lori Brown | Intermediate , Miscellaneous , SQL Administration , SQL Server

— by Lori Brown  @SQLSupahStah While trying to add a database to an existing AlwaysOn Availability Group (AG), I was having difficulty making a connection from the primary replica to the secondary replica. The availability group was functioning but as I tried to add a database to it, my connection to the secondary replica was […]

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Feb 04

Feb 2016 Tip of the Month – New function in SQL 2016: sys.dm_exec_function_stats

By SQLRx Admin | Intermediate , Performance Tuning , SQL Server , Tip of the Month

SQL Server Performance Tuning:  New function in SQL 2016: sys.dm_exec_function_stats Returns performance statistics for cached functions. Returns information about scalar functions, including in-memory functions and CLR scalar functions but not about table valued functions. The view returns one row for each cached function plan, and the lifetime of the row is as long as the […]

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