Tag Archives for " Microsoft SQL Server "

Jun 03

Changes to System Views in SQL 2014

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Miscellaneous , Performance Tuning , SQL Server , Tip of the Month

There are two new system views and two system views that have new columns added in SQL 2014. Most notable is sys.databases since this is widely used.   sys.xml_indexes – Has 3 new columns: xml_index_type, xml_index_type_description, and path_id. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176003.aspx sys.databases – Has 3 new columns: is_auto_create_stats_incremental_on, is_query_store_on, and resource_pool_id. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178534.aspx sys.column_store_row_groups – New view.  Provides clustered […]

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May 13

In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton)

By Lori Brown | SQL Administration , SQL Server

 Available in SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition In-Memory OLTP is a new lock-free, latch-free, optimistic concurrency approach to storing data in memory. While it may seem reminiscent of DBCC PINTABLE is it definitely not the same since data in memory-optimized tables is not organized in pages, and does not use the Buffer Pool. It is […]

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