Tag Archives for " Script "

Apr 13

List Tables That May Be Over Indexed

By Lori Brown | Beginner , Helpful Scripts , Performance Tuning , SQL Administration , SQL Server , Tip of the Month

While not having enough indexes can be bad for query performance, having too many indexes can also be just as bad. Use the query below to get a list of tables in your database that has more than 10 indexes. — Tables with large number of indexes select t.name as TablesWithLargeNumInx, count(i.name) as CountIndexes from […]

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Jan 19

Find Currently Executing Jobs Running Longer Than 30 Day Average

By Lori Brown | Helpful Scripts , Intermediate , SQL Administration , SQL Server

–By Lori Brown   @SQLSupahStah I needed to update some of our long running job monitoring code to improve it from the version that we have right now. I like this version because it uses msdb.dbo.syssessions (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175016.aspx) to validate that a job is actually running. I also wanted to know the percent difference between the current […]

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Sep 01

Table-Valued Parameter Performance Using C# Data Tables

By Jeffry Schwartz | Expert , Miscellaneous , Performance Tuning , SQL Development , SQL Server

The following testing and resulting data is a direct result of a recent issue that was discovered at one of our client sites.  After setting up SQL monitoring that does use a SQL trace to capture long running queries, suddenly certain processes would lock up and be unable to complete.  Initially we thought it was […]

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